Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Garden Ripe Watermelon

Our very first garden ripe watermelon...... Super sweet!

Quack Quacks

Our babies playing in their outside yard until they are old enough to free range.

Gotta Love Them Kiddos:)

I just love my goat/sheep herd. Blessing, the goat at the bottom, is such a great milker..... She LOVES tree leaves. Probably her favorite food......... Above..... Roxy and Eduardo enjoy grading. Eduardo is a Herdwick sheep (very rare). Had his balls banded as a baby and wish I wouldn't have now.... The picture above the sheep is what happens when you yell "here Kiddos," around my house, lol......... They are my shadows and I love it:).

Horsin' Around

Ayla's (appy x) first day in a side pull...... Her appy brain kicked in and she tried taking off, not stopping, etc....... UNTIL...... I got after with the quirt and we had a "discussion or two." Fine after that....... Going back to the bit with her. She respects it........ Paisley (in the fly mask) will be wearing a fly mask most of the year b/c of her newly found "pre-cancer" in the 3rd eye lid...... She is now taking a rigorous mix and mash of many vitamins and immune boosters........... Hoping for the best b/c she is the sweetest filly I've ever seen. Chloe, at the bottom, continues to amaze me. I am definantly a percheron fan after having the pleasure to love Chloe. She is super smart, SWEET, and does everything you ask of her.............. Lover buns!!!!

Ayla Swimming

Ayla going out to swim in the wonderfully warm lake:). Fun day!!!